
While completing the following tasks, use a word processor to record your notes.

Task 1:

We want you to tell us a bit about the history of the games. Make two points about the symbolism of the flame, the relay, and the torch.
Click Here to read about the History of the Games!

Task 2:

Do you recognize this picture? 

These are the Olympic and Paralympic Rings! Maybe you have seen them before, but do you know what they stand for? Click Here to learn more about them!

Task 3:

Now that you have some background information on the games, we want to know more about what’s happening at the London games this year!
First you can pick a sport or an event in the upcoming games.

To find a sport or an event click Here

Task 4:

Once you have chosen a sport or an event, research the rules that apply to it.
For example here is a video about Badminton!
Click Here to Watch Video 

To find out about the rules click Here

Task 5:

After learning about the rules, find a Canadian athlete competing in the sport or event and write a little biography on that individual. Tell us where they are from, how old they are, when they started competing, and their greatest achievement.
To find an athlete click Here

Task 6:

Once you have all of your information gathered, its time to make your final report to present in front of the class.
Use a powerpoint presentation to combine your research.
This is the most exciting activity! Each journalist will take turns reporting in front of the class.
There will be students assigned as a camera person to record the journalist’s report, a director to tell the camera person when to start recording, and the teacher will be the news anchor to ask the reporter questions.

After everyone has completed their report, the recordings of the reports will be posted on the class website for family and friends to view.

Click Here to continue to the Conclusion.